Tentative 2025
Event Schedule
***Please note that this is a tentative schedule for 2025. Times may alter as we get closer to the event based on the number of sign-ups and any venue restrictions, but this can be used for general planning. Times will be finalized one month prior to the event date.
3:00 pm: Set up begins with 2025 Host School volunteers
5:00 pm: Armory check-in and scoring equipment drop-off open.
All available teams should drop off their scoring equipment at the venue for armorer inspection and prompt strip setup. Both genders may have their equipment checked during this time. If your team does not arrive until after armory check-in closes, you are welcome to check in your scoring equipment on Saturday morning between 7-8 am.
8:00 pm: Armory check-in and scoring equipment drop-off end.
7:00 am Men’s team check-in and weapons check open (men only)
Schools that did not check in their scoring equipment on Friday should drop off their scoring equipment at the venue for armorer inspection and prompt strip setup between 7-8 am. Those participating in the women's event may stand in the armory line for a men's event participant to check their gear.
8:00 am Men's team check-in closes
8:00 am Referee Meeting
8:20 am National Anthem
8:30 am (at the earliest) Men’s Pools begin
12:30 am Men’s Pools estimated end
12:45 am Men’s T128 DE’s estimated to begin
1:00 pm Women’s team check-in and weapons check open (women only)
2:00 pm (at the earliest) Women’s Pools begin
4:30 pm Women’s Pools estimated end
4:45 pm Women’s T128 DE’s estimated to begin
5:00 pm Men’s DE’s estimated end
8:30 pm Women’s DE’s estimated end
7:00 am Venue opens
8:00 am Referee Meeting
Teams do not need to check in on Day 2. Failure to appear at the strip call will result in disqualification.
8:30 am (at the earliest) Preliminary DEs Begin (Women’s AND Men’s 64’s & 32’s)
10:30 am (estimated) Top 16 Begins (Women)
12:00 pm (estimated) Top 16 Begins (Men)
Estimated End Times:
Sabre: 4:00 pm
Foil and Epee: 6:00 pm
7:00 pm Award Ceremony