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2025 FAQs

Event Details

Where is the event?

The event is at the Nittany Valley Sports Centre (The Centre) at 177 Champion Dr Suite 300, State College, PA 16803. 


Where should I park my car or bus?

There are large lots around the Sports Centre. Busses should parking in the Upper Parking Lot. Please see the below map for parking guidance.












​​​​​​​What is the 2025 format?

We made two changes in 2024 to the event format to best highlight that this is a championship tournament, maximize the amount of fencing, and to ensure that the event runs as smoothly as possible. We will be following the same format in 2025. 


Day One Format

Day One will consist of an individual-style tournament with pools and DEs. There will be a promotion to a table of 128, allowing more fencers to participate in Day One DEs. Schools may still only submit 3 student + 1 sub for each squad per gender. 


Day Two Format

Day Two will consist of a World Cup format team tournament with 100% team promotion - meaning that regardless of how individuals perform on Day 1, every team will be able to participate in the Day 2 format. Matches will be fenced best out of nine bouts, with direct eliminations up until the round of 16. Once the top 16 teams have been identified, the format will change to compass, or fence to place, format. In other words, losing a match from round of 16 onwards will not mean you are eliminated from the tournament - you will continue to fence for your place


When are rosters due?

This year, roster deadlines are due March 17th. The Board, in turn, will post the submitted rosters no later than March 28th,11:59PM PST to Schools will then have until April 2nd,11:59PM PST to request any changes or corrections. All fencers on the roster MUST have a USA Fencing Membership. 


When and where do I check in?

We will have a check in table at the venue for teams to confirm their roster and make and final payments on Friday evening before the event from 5-8 PM ET, and on Saturday before the start of the morning and afternoon events. All late and administrative fees must be paid before a team can participate. 


When and where do I get my gear tested? What needs to be checked?

Gear checks will be open Friday evening before the event from 5-8 PM ET, and on Saturday before the start of the morning and afternoon events. We will test gloves, lames, and masks. Check for holes, Velcro quality, dead spots, etc. before the event to save time. Sabre gloves MUST be 800N


Please note, gear check in the morning before the event can have very long lines and we recommend as many teams as possible get their gear checked on Friday. 


Will there be a fencing gear vendor?

Yes, Absolute Fencing will be on site and will have a variety of equipment for purchase.


Where can I buy USACFC merch, including the 2025 Event Shirt? 

This year, USACFC will have a partnership with Fine Designs and will offer an array of souvenir event gear in advance of the event, on-site, and for 30 days post event


Will there be space for team gear?

Yes, this year there will be plenty of space for gear and each team will have an assigned gear location. Please note that gear locations will be on Astroturf. Please be respectful and keep your personal and team items in their assigned area so that we can maintain clear, safe, and accessible pathways throughout the venue.


Will there be athletic trainers?

Yes, there will be two athletic trainers on site during the event to help with injuries. They will be able to provide first aid, including ice, but not OTC medication or preventative pre-event wrapping or taping.  


Can spectators attend?

Yes, this year we welcome spectators to come and watch the event! We please remind all fencing fans to be aware of your surroundings when walking through the venue and to make sure you do not walk over active strips or in front of active referees. 


What is the Covid-19 Policy for 2025?

To align with USA Fencing and also in acknowledgment of limited volunteer resources, we have decided to make masking and vaccinations optional for the 2025 Championship. Despite being optional, we still strongly recommend masks, updated boosters, and staying home if sick.


Where can I eat? 

The venue has in house concessions. No outside food or beverage orders are allowed in the space. Opportunities for teams to pre-order food will be available prior to the event. 



Where should I stay? 

We have a wide range of hotels in the local areas for teams to choose from. Hotel options and booking links are available here. Please note, hotel blocks close on MARCH 1, 2025!


Where is the nearest airport? 

The three closest airports are the State College Regional Airport, with flights on United and American Airlines, Harrisburg International Airport (1.5 hours away) and Philadelphia International Airport (3 hours away). 


Where is the nearest Amtrak? 

The nearest Amtrak Stations are Tyrone Station (approximately 40 minutes by car) and Lewistown Station (approximately 45 minutes by car). â€‹


Parking Map NVSC.png
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